TIL: November 2020-October 2021
bundle add {gem}
- about pgbench - source
- Firefox can visualize layout grids - mozilla docs
- network sockets in shell - source
, like rbenv
and nodenv
for Java
- ablaut reduplication; hip hop, ping pong, tick tock - wikipedia
- you can link between Workflowy items
- cells in Excel (and Google Spreadsheets) can be named
- basehold.it serves CSS files that can overlay grids to help maintaining vertical rhythm
- use
bin/rspec $(git ls-files --modified spec/)
to re-run modified specs
- how to peel almonds - youtube
heredoc strings in Ruby will strip leading whitespace remove indentation
- you can use
delegate :method, to: :target, private: true
in Ruby
- about rspec’s
and --only-failures
which is super helpful when you have a bunch of tests failing on CI and you want to re-run them locally before pushing - docs
- on macOS you can use
⌘ + Tab
then down arrow to switch between windows of an application
- if you have a slightly broken USB cable - you can wirelessly connect android devices via ADB - docs
- linux has a
- Postgres has
functions that are super useful when you need to work with bound values
- you can use filters for
and after
hooks in rspec, and they will only run when example groups have a matching filter
- js:
element.classList.replace('old', 'new')
- geojson.io
- ruby:
removes repeating characters
- ruby 2.7 has delegation syntax
def override(...); sub_method(...); end
print "\e[H\e[2J"
clears the screen - at least in Ruby