TIL: March 2020
- Rails 5+ has something called
(see this and that)
rails db:forward
, its opposite of db:rollback
and their brainchild db:migrate:redo
- Postgres has a [verbose]
operator source
- Postgres has support for recursive tables via
- You can create temporary tables in Postgres wirh
- Google Sheets has a QUERY function that accepts SQL source
- You can use !g in DuckDuckGo to Google source
- There’s a better alternative to
in Javascript - the nullish coalescing operator source
- The web can do many things…
- How to enable OTP AutoFill in HTML on Apple devices source
- pgadmin has query history
- How to do E2E encryption in browser
- You can hold the option-key on in Excel on Mac to snap a chart size to a cell
- You can toggle hidden files in finder with cmd shift .
- The UI difference between checkboxes and switches source
- Lower extremities is a fancy way of saying legs
- You can set a preferrede language per app in iOS 13
- That the “your mother is a hamster and your father smells of elderberries” line from Monty Python and the Holy Grail isn’t just randomly made up. It’s a shrewd way of insulting someone, but you would need to know the context that hamsters are known for their promiscuity, so he was calling the mother a slut, and smelling of elderberries is in the context that elderberries was used by poor people to brew their own alchohol, i.e. a drunk. source
- How space photography gets its color source
- Kangaroo words
- How to use the arpeggiator settings on an MPK Nini II: hold down arpeggiator on while pressing a key to set the interval
- Blooming (mixing water, sugar and yeast and checking whether it “blooms”) is not something you do to make the dough rise, it’s a way of checking if yeast is dead
- The only browser you can use for Netflix 4K is Microsoft Edge source
- Common term in [data] modeling: Shit In Shit Out / Garbage In Garbage Out
- How to make a French 75
- You can use water from chickpeas to replace egg whites
- When roosters make their sound, their ears close up so that they won’t become deaf source